Alternative to Amigo Loans
Looking for an alternative to Amigo loans? Then use our guarantor loan system to find the best guarantor lender to meet your circumstances. Piggy Guarantor loans place your application with the guarantor lender most likely to pay out your loan, at the best interest rate.
How do we do this? Piggy guarantor loans has been involved in the guarantor loan industry for over 7 years, we were there at the start when there was only a few lenders. Over the years we have developed a system, using the data we have collected, that knows which lender is more likely to lend at what loan amount and whether you have a homeowner or tenant as guarantor.
We place your application instantly with the 3 best lenders depending on the data you put on our application form. You will then receive emails from the 3 lenders with details on what to do next. If in the rare occasion you get declined by the 3 lenders, then you can apply again and we will place your application with 3 more lenders, who may have a slightly higher interest rate, but may be more likely to pay out your loan.
If you have been declined by Amigo loans in the past, that doesn’t mean you won’t be accepted by another lender on our panel. We see it every day where one lender declines an applicant, yet another lender pays out the loan. This due to the way the guarantor loan industry is set up. Lenders look at each case differently and real people, rather than a computer credit score, look at each case individually and make a decision based on what they see. Every lender also has different criteria as to which case they will lend money to.
We don’t charge a fee for this service, it’s completely free. We receive a commission off the guarantor lender only when a loan pays out, so our system has to be amazing for us to stay in business.
Simply fill in our 60 second application form on our apply now page, and receive your quotes from 3 guarantor lenders now.
Good luck with your application.

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